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Mangosteen coloring book

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Learn about mangosteen

The mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) is a unique and delicious tropical fruit that originated in Southeast Asia. Often called the “queen of fruits,” it has a juicy, white flesh inside a deep reddish-purple rind. The mangosteen tree is an evergreen that can grow up to 80 feet tall, and produces small green fruits that turn deep purple when ripe.

Mangosteens have a sweet and tangy flavor that has been described as a mix between a peach, strawberry, and vanilla ice cream. The inside consists of 4-8 juicy white segments, similar to citrus fruits. The edible flesh melts in your mouth and is rich in fiber, vitamin C, potassium, copper, and manganese.

Beyond its wonderful taste, the mangosteen has been used for centuries in traditional medicine in Southeast Asia. The rind, leaves, and bark of the tree contain compounds thought to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties.

While mangosteens used to be rare outside of Asia, today you can find these exotic superfruits in many grocery stores around the world. Mangosteens need hot, humid environments to grow, so they are mainly cultivated in tropical regions. Luckily, their popularity has led to more importing and availability for people to try this unique and flavorful fruit.

Next time you see mangosteens at the store, consider getting some to add a tropical flair to fruit salads, smoothies, juices, or desserts. Under its leathery purple shell lies a tangy, juicy fruit just waiting to be enjoyed.

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